“The creative adult is the child who survived”

           -Ursala Leguin


Art should be free, but Artist should be paid; a catch 22 that had us puzzled for a while. So we found a medium where you, the creator, can get your worth, or just enough to keep going. Don’t give in to the unwritten rules of movie executives demands, when you are the artist. Live off of the inspiration that provide to the world, with no middle man, cash on demand.



We all have the ability to tell the stories of our time, shoot it in HD and share it with the world, here is the tool to give creative all we deserve. Upload you film, tell your people from every corner to watch your film and donate whatever they want, use those donation to create bigger and better. We can push society forward with free thought, we just have to pay our bills while doing so. Let this be the fuel that drives your forward.



You may also offer incentives(Merchandise, Meet-And greets, etc. etc.) and have your viewers purchase at a fixed rate [$5, $50,$100 etc. etc.]. We will also be releasing exclusive NFT’s that will grant access to exclusive events, such your premiers, being on set at your next film etc. etc. There is so much that we will build together but it starts with your registration below